top mba colleges in delhi

Hard Work- Still The Best Way To Success!

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My younger sister, as a child had mild dyslexia. This created a lot of problems in her academics and needless to say she was an underperformer for most of her school life. Not that she lacked on intellect or something, she just had some reading and writing abilities. This often made her a topic of rebuke in her school and often laughed upon. This had some lasting impression on her mind and she developed a weird behaviour toward her peers. She stopped indulging in any kind of outdoor activities and meeting new people.

Hard Work- Still The Best Way To Success! - IILM

With the situation going out of control, we started to be as supportive as we could. My parents also sent her for counseling sessions which helped her gain her lost confidence. This situation continued till she was about 15 years of age. We all were scared for her board exam results although we tried our best not to intimidate her. With careful coaching and support she managed to bring decent marks in her 10th boards of CBSE. Since then, we saw a drastic change in her. She was suddenly flushed with determination and she started to work hard on her problems and miraculously, within months she showed spectacular improvement! He scored well above 85% in her 12th exams and made all of us proud. She, by then already had her minds set on the top MBA colleges in Delhi!

She started to become more responsive to the world outside her and her efforts to minimize her problems were bearing fruit. No doctor, no counselor could do what she did with her own hard work. Now, after graduating from the Delhi University, she is attending one of the renowned MBA institutes in Delhi, just as she had always thought. Looking back, it seems like my little sister was a different person all together a few years back. I am proud of her, and she once again proved that there is nothing in this world that can beat the power of hard work!

Cracking Management Exams

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The current educational trend does not allow the students to be contented with just a graduation degree. The increasing number of students outshining the past records has made the competition as observed in the competitive exams more intense. The contemporary situation is such that the students sitting for the competitive exams are more than those appearing for the board exams. These exams are often considered as a true measure of a student’s worth. One such exam is for top MBA colleges in India. These are basically an aptitude check designed for the applicants to get an idea as to how brushed their basics are. The over-specific parents guiding their children have fuelled the nervous energies around these exams.

IILM : top 10 mba institute in India

These career defining tests are much more than just serious knowledge tests. The viability of MBA colleges has also made these MBA exams a rage among the young. However cracking these is no cake walk. These exams are generally about scoring and making it to the merit list. These are further divided into sections mainly Quant which is about mathematic aptitude, Logical Abilities, Data Interpretation and English. The key is performing well in all the sections while making it to their minimum cut-off.

For those looking forward to making it to top MBA colleges in India, here are some tips from the experts themselves:

-Indulge in Self-Motivation

When preparing for these exams frequently remind yourself about your goals and the bright future which awaits you. A positive applicant never sulks over weakness rather believe in performing well. When weary read success stories as available on the internet. Talk to your teacher about your anxieties and push yourself to the limits you have not before.

-Allot good time for all the sections

As mentioned there are particular cut-offs which one needs to clear for every section. Solve papers available offline and online to acquaint yourself with the pattern. Stay updated about the exams since the pattern for the exam changes often for which feeds are accessible.

Not to Blow your chance as a Good Manager

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That semi-competent manager you and your co-workers used to whine around is gone. Any assumption, who is in next? It’s you. Sure, you have stability; every person knows that. However, you likewise require a vision and a strategy, and to implement it masterfully. Otherwise, you’ll discover yourself becoming the new bumbling blockhead. Below are ways, listed by experts of top b schools in India, to prosper as a manager.

Learn the Business

IILM :-MBA CollegeYou’ll really feel drawn to revamp and start fresh. But there’s so much to do and you have no idea. As opposed to vulnerability and impulsiveness, invest your first few months noting, listening attentively, and understanding the business and line of work. Maintain a log of all your doubts and queries. To recognize exactly what’s critical and just what’s a mess, bank on those with institutional expertise and good memory. In short, be modest and grow into the work. Take little actions so your employees have some connection. You’ll have time to leave your finger-print as you grow.

Meet Your Team Members Individually

According to professors of top MBA colleges in Delhi, do not evaluate, at least not at first. Instead, offer every person a clean slate, no matter what you have heard- never work with the team based on perception. Remember, all your reports will certainly be on their ideal behaviour firstly. You stand for a new beginning; they want to be viewed in the best of light, so offer them plenty of one-on-one time initially. Discover everything that concerns their record and aspirations. Watch them at work to view which level of assistance they need or factors that inevitably dissatisfy them. Essentially, get a buy-in from their immediate supervisors and appreciate benefits.
Assortment of Objectives

You have their focus, now profit from it. Set guidelines and expectations. Detail your short-term and long-term vision for the department. Recognize exactly which goal is essential, why, and how every person’s duties contribute to completion and positive results. Allocate targets, yet keep them relatively brief, unambiguous, and realistic. Establish plans and benchmarks to measure team development. Aid them to know they’re working toward something larger, and exactly how their profession, life, and everyone else will certainly benefit from their work.

The importance of Management Studies in India

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MBA or Master’s degree in Business Administration, though a degree initiated in the United States of America, has become the top priority of the young generation all across the subcontinent  India. The study of management with an emphasis on its scientific aspect has turned out to be the most popular field of study in all the primary cities all over the country. Delhi, the capital of India, conforming to the popularity of MBA in a wide number of business fields, like operations management, marketing, accounting, finance and human resources, have already become home to many of the top MBA colleges in India.

iilm21The top MBA colleges in Delhi offer both degree courses and diploma courses to the MBA students. These MBA courses in Delhi are presented as full-time courses, part-time courses, distance courses and executive courses with particular subjects of specialization. The certification provided by the MBA colleges in Delhi weighs up the excellence and authenticity of an MBA course.

There are many business schools in Delhi, both the government and private MBA institutes that offer regular degree courses, executive MBA diploma programs and distance learning courses. Some of the top MBA colleges in Delhi are –

•    Department of Management Studies (DMS) – IIT Delhi
•    FMS Delhi – Faculty of Management Studies
•    Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
•    Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management (LBSIM)
•    Fortune Institute of International Business
•    Apeejay School of Management
•    Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research (DSPSR)
•    IILM Institute for Higher Education
•    Delhi Business School
•    Institute of Business Management and Research
•    National Integrated Institute of Business Management and Technology
•    Indian Institute of Finance (IIF)

A Bachelor’s Degree in any field of study is mandatory for a student to join any MBA course in Delhi or in any other part of India. In India a full-time MBA course is a MBA program of two years whereas a part-time MBA program involves weekend classes or evening classes on weekdays. An executive MBA program, designed specifically for the busy executives and business personnel, allows them the flexibility to work and pursue their studies at the same within a time span of about two years. Some of the top MBA colleges in India also create distance learning courses on MBA that involve both classroom learning and study materials particularly for distance learning. Live classroom interactions through webcams, live teleconferences and video recordings are the usual features of distance MBA study in Delhi and the top MBA colleges in India.

Why to do MBA in Top MBA Colleges?

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It is really important for you to do MBA in the top MBA colleges in India. There are many benefits that are associated with doing MBA. It can be expensive but it is worthy for doing the course as it is really going to bring so many benefits to you. If you are planning to do the course then you should know the pros associated with doing it. Go through the various benefits associated with it so that you can easily find out whether it is really worthy to do the course or not.

IILM :- top mba college in delhiManagerial skills can be learned with through the MBA course that you do from the top MBA colleges in Delhi. The managerial skills are much necessary for you to take care of any kind of businesses. It is really important for any kind of businesses to have proper type of management. The management skills can provide with the essential things necessary for management and also for resolution of the problems. You can also learn the basic responsibilities associated with the organization along with managerial skills for you to excel and make a good career in the business field.

MBA can provide with greater advantage for the students who are coming from non – business kind of backgrounds. By earning the MBA degree there is a also chance for increasing the practical knowledge available in the niche of business administration. MBA is considered by most of the top MBA colleges in Delhi as a degree which is academic and also professional in nature. After the completion of MBA degree, there is possibility for you to continue doctorate in any other discipline of your choice.

The MBA degree that you get from top MBA colleges in India can really equip yourself with all the qualities that are necessary for surviving in the competitive world. This course can help you in developing leadership qualities and also specialized skills that can be helpful in making their career in a better manner. Almost every kind of business organizations prefer in hiring the MBA graduates for the higher positions available in the management.

Executive MBA Programs at IILM

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Business and Management are a necessary aspect of each and every organization in the present times, irrelevant of the vertical or industry; demand for qualified and experienced managers is ever growing. Thus to be a successful leader in your own verticals, management studies is essential. This is why the trend of executive MBA is growing; working professionals who are experienced and expert in their fields seek executive MBA and short term training programs to enhance their managerial skills.

This trend is especially gaining popularity in Delhi and other metro cities because a large number of people find their employment here and weekend or part time courses available here would suit their needs. There are a large number of colleges offering such courses but choosing the best MBA College in Delhi is important.

 IILM Institute for higher Education is a one of the leading MBA colleges in Delhi, and with its unique approach towards imparting education and an excellent infrastructure it is striving to come amongst the top 10 MBA institutes in India. IILM offers executive training programs for various working professionals, which is held in mainly four platforms, In-house training for IAS-IPS officers and Gov. Officers, a customized program for IBM, Advance management program and management development program.

IILM, which is one of the top 10 MBA institutes in India, holds a reputation for its unique executive programs. It frequently organizes in-house short term training programs from time to time for various government officers and IAS, IPS officials as well, to provide them trainings in Public Policy and Management etc. these workshops are designed specifically for the needs of these officers. Moreover IILM has a program for providing management training for various corporate groups as well. Business organizations can arrange for programs that are specific to their custom requirements, the curriculum and structure is decided after extensive discussion with the organization and after their need is assessed completely.  Also there is a standard 12 month executive program for all other experienced working professionals to enhance and update their skills; the program is designed in such a way so as to minimize the loss in work. The program is made for professionals with 5 years of experience and usually stretches over 3 days in a week, and there are certain other collaborative programs as well.

Thus choosing IILM for your executive program is a wise decision, as it includes excellent facilities and curriculum structure. The course lectures are delivered by faculties of world fame; some names are Dr. Shahsi Tharoor, Prof John G Shulman and various others. The exposure and unique teaching skills will definitely help you make a difference in your organization and your individual growth as well.